Our History
Established in 2011, GBM emerged as a flexible coalition aimed at addressing the myriad challenges confronting Malaysian society, with the overarching goal of fostering a just and equitable nation. In our pursuit of a improved Malaysia for its citizens, GBM has embraced the theme “From Discord to Harmony.”
This encapsulates the considerable challenges and substantial commitments that we face, serving both as a recognition of the hurdles and a celebration of the human spirit. This journey involves expressing our constitutional rights as citizens, as we progress toward an ideal of a more inclusive nation built on principles of justice and fairness.
Year 2024
- 9th March 2024
Lecture: Navigating the Contours of the Federal Constitution - Between the Sacred and the Secular
Organised by OHMSI, in partnership with GBM. This talk has a lecture and discussion panel held at the Royal Selangor Club. The event was titled: “Navigating the Contours of the Federal Constitution: Between the Sacred and the Secular”, which will cover several angles on whether Malaysia is a secular state. With a special lecture by former Court of Appeal judge Dato Seri Hishamudin Yunus, the lecture was followed by a discussion, with speakers Dr James Chin, Datuk Dr Johan Arriffin Samad, lawyer Siti Kasim, Dr Sharifah Munirah Alatas dan Ravee Suntheralingam, with moderator role held by Dr KJ John.

Year 2023
- 22nd July 2023
Public Lecture: Corruption As A Cultural Problem
Organised by Agora Society Malaysia and KLSCAH Civil Rights Committee, in-partnership with Rasuah Busters and Gabungan Bertindak Malaysia (GBM). A public lecture was held with speakers Alan Kirupakaran, Ibrahim “Ben” Suffian, Datuk Wira Dr. Hj Rais Hussin Mohamed Ariff and Tasnim Lokman, with moderator role held by Wathshlah Naidu.

- 11th July 2023
Gabungan Patriotisme dan Perpaduan Kebangsaan (GPPK)
The National Coalition of Patriotism and Unity (GPPK) came together as a cluster of NGOs to advocate for national unity based on the Rukun Negara and the Federal Constitution.

- 5th July 2023
Meeting with Rasuah Busters, Majlis Belia Malaysia (MBM) and Patriot
Gabungan Bertindak Malaysia (GBM), Majlis Belia Malaysia (MBM), and Patriot meet with Rasuah Busters an empowering campaign on the national principles.
Chairperson Gabungan Bertindak Malaysia (GBM), Stanley Yong Yew Wei, President of Majlis Belia Malaysia, Mohd Izzat Afifi Abdul Hamid, Deputy President of Patriot, Datuk Zulkifli Mohamed also discussed the new slogan of Rasuah Busters: Don’t Sell Your Principles Jangan Gadai Prinsip in conjunction with the state elections.
Year 2022
- 22nd October 2022
GBM Manifesto Rakyat Forum: Comparing The Political Parties’ Promises and The People’s Demand
GBM’s Manifesto Rakyat team has invited the major political parties to send a representative to present to the people their party/coalition GE15 manifesto highlights. This followed with a short discussion and a Q&A session with the Manifesto Rakyat team and the audience.
The discussion will be followed by the official launching of the MP-PROFILING portal which will provide background info of all candidates.
- 7th October 2022
Press Conference: GBM, CSO Platform For Reform and Agenda Rakyat
With GBM, CSO Platform and Aliran-led Agenda Rakyat, a press conference was launched to release a joint-petition statement on Manifesto Rakyat, and to announce the MP-Profiling portal.
Year 2021
- 3rd October 2021
Manifesto Rakyat Policy Town Hall: Economic Justice
An online town hall held in partnership with CSO Platform For Reform. The topics discussed were economic justice, health. anti-corruption, local democracy and transport. The whole session was moderated by Jayanath Appudurai and Dr Lim Chee Han, with presenters De Lee Hwok Aun, CS Loh, Madhavi Sahatuan and Lim Su Lin. To watch link: https://fb.watch/rPfvZN8xam

- 18th September 2021
GBM Online Webinar : Whither Malaysia?: Poised for Change
In conjunction with the 58th Malaysia Day, GBM held an online webinar to address the three reform areas that can bring real transformations to our nation, together with a point-of-view from the Sarawakian perspective. The speakers include Dr Badlishah Baharin, Jeffrey Phang, Ann Teo, Tharma Pillai, Thomas Fann, with moderator role held by May Leong.

- 31st August 2021
COVID Food Relief: Sri Sarawak Loke Yew Flats
An emergency food relief program was set up for the residents of Sri Sarawak Loke Yew Flats during COVID period. The effort was organised by MyPJ, in partnership with PPB Group Berhad, JPNIN – WP KL, food aid foundation and Lee Soon Heng Plastic Industries.

- 24th July 2021
GBM Online Webinar: Post Covid Economic Policy: What and How?
A webinar organised by GBM titled: “Post Covid Economic Policy: What and How?” was held over Facebook Live and Zoom.
The speakers include Dr Lim Mah Hui, Malek Ali, Dr Melati Nungsari and Tan E Hun, with the moderator role held by Dr. Shareen Madros.

Year 2020
- 13th November 2020
GBM Online Webinar: Economists in The House: Analysing Malaysia's 2021 Budget
A webinar held during the COVID pandemic, GBM brought in economic experts to discuss the title: Economists in The House: Analysing Malaysia’s 2021 Budget.The speaker is Prof. Dr. Jomo Kwame Sundaram, with respondent Mr. Frederik Paulus, and moderator Ms. Farhana Roslan.
- 6th May 2020
GBM Online Webinar: Shadow Cabinet and Professionalisation of Opposition Politics
The webinar featured Prof Wong Chin Huat, YB Fahmi Fadzil and YB Dato Seri Azalina with moderator Yap Swee Seng. The webinar addressed the topic of Shadow Cabinet, its functions, benefits and is used as a platform to discuss whether Pakatan Harapan should form their own Shadow Cabinet.

- 25th February 2020
GBM Forum: Economic Stimulus Package: What does the Malaysian Economy Need the Most for 2020?
A talk organised to discuss the unveiling of the Economic Stimulus Package 2020. The panellists were Prof Woo Wing Thye, Dr. Ahmed Razman, Dato Joseph Lim and Datuk Micheal Kang, and moderated by Ms Tan E Hun.

Year 2019
- 26th December 2019
GBM Public Forum - Jawi: Saling Memahami
A forum to discuss the Jawi issue was held at KLSCAH. Representatives from various organisations and from the MoE have been invited to share their perspective on the issue.
- 16th April 2019
GBM Rounding Up Ideas Series: Promoting Peace and Harmony
The 1st one of the year, this GBM roundtable explores the concept of harmony in connection to the then newly-elected Pakatan Harapan government. The speaker was Majidah, with Barathi Selvam as the respondent, and Firdaus Husni as the moderator.
- 18th February 2019
Engagement with YB Mujahid Yusof (then Minister of Religious Affairs Unit of PM Department)
The UID Committee made their 1st visit to the YB Mujahid Yusof, Minister of Religious Affairs, Prime Minister’s Department. YB Mujahid outlined his 5-year plan and the Committee will collaborate with his Ministry in the relevant areas.
- 17th January 2019
Book Launch: “Not the Islam I Know” by Prof. Tajuddin and Public Forum:: “Perpaduan Nasional: Impian atau Realiti?”
A book launch and public forum held at KLSCAH on the same evening.
The forum entitled “Perpaduan Nasional: Impian atau Realiti?” moderated by Dr Badlishah and the speakers were Prof Tajuddin Rasdi, Suguna from Sahabat Wanita, Madeline Berma and Shahril Hamdan. For the book written by Tajuddin, “Not the Islam I Know” was launched, the guest commentator was Datin Noor Azimah Abdul Rahim.
Year 2018
- 20th October 2018
SMJK & TVET Committee: Roundtable Discussion with MoE YB Teo Nie Ching
Our SMJK & TVET committees and other NGOs were invited to a roundtable discussion on Chinese educational issues with then Deputy Education Minister, YB Teo Nie Ching.
- 27th September 2018
GBM Malaysia Day Event: Let’s Talk Unity and Tools
A casual-style forum featuring speakers from diverse backgrounds and races on the topic of unity to celebrate in spirit of Malaysia Day. Speakers included Ms Goh Siu Lin, Nadila Ilana, Anfaal Saari, Darshan Singh and Muhammad Nadhir.
- 25th July 2018
GBM The Youth Agenda
An evening networking event with 14 youth group representatives in attendance.
- 21st January 2018
GBM Fundraising Hi-Tea 2018 and Forum Titled: Post-1MDB in Malaysia - What Future Can We Have?
Another annual GBM fundraising event held with a forum, featuring well-known speakers: Dato’ Ambiga Sreenevasan, Dr. Wong Chin Huat, Dr. Azmi Sharom and Dr. Helen Ting.
Year 2017
- 18th April 2017
SMJK Action Plan (2016 - 2025)
A presentation on the SMJK Secondary Schools Action Plan written in three languages. This action plan is submitted to the Ministry of Education to maintain national funding to said schools.
- 30th March 2017
IPPN Dialogues: Indian Groups
A series of meetings were headed by IPPN (formerly under GBM) to talk about the various education issues relating to different racial groups. This one is between LLG Cultural Development Centre, Hindu Youth Organisation (Port Klang), Malaysian Tamil Writers Association and a group of concerned citizens.

- 18th March 2017
UID Committee: Harmony Football Cup 2017
Sponsored by Hai-O, the Piala Bola Sepak Harmoni was attended by youth teams from seven states (Kedah, Perak, Penang, KL, Selangor, Negeri Sembilan and Johor).

Year 2016
- 16th September 2016
Negara-Ku Movement: Kembalikan Negaraku Workshop
A Negara-Ku Malaysia Day Youth Forum organised by KOMAS, with co-organisers: GBM, Community Action Network (CAN), Church of the Divine Mercy.
A youth forum was held. The youth speakers for the forum were: Anis Syafiqah, Ryan Chua, Deviga Sivashanmugam, Jamali Ayau, Rizal Rohan and Xavier Janting. The forum was followed by a short workshop titled “Kembalikan Negaraku”.

- 18th June 2016
Student Success Committee: IMPAK Program (Ibubapa Memastikan Peningkatan Akademik Anak) Training of Trainers 2016
The Parents Assisting Students’ Success Program (IMPAK) is designed to facilitate understanding and learning between parent and child. Before the 1st official workshop, a group of dedicated trainers are chosen to facilitate the program.

Year 2015
- 6th September 2015
Force4Serdang: Fun with Science
A program for primary school students in Serdang to foster a multiethnic learning environment.
- 18th January 2015
UID Committee: Youth Cleanup for Displaced Families
A flood relief program organised by IKRAM to help the families in Pahang who lost their homes to the floods. This effort is organised with i-Bantu Pertubuhan IKRAM Malaysia, IKRAM Siswa, KLSCAH Youth Section, Tamil Foundation and Persatuan Pemuda GEMA Malaysia.
Year 2014
- 2nd May 2014
Hudud: A Public Forum Series
Open-to-public forums held across states such as Melaka, Terengganu, Johor etc. that raises civilised discussions on the penal codes under Shariah law. In partnership with IKRAM, SABM and IRF.
- 4th April 2014
Inisiatif Pengislahan Pendidikan Nasional (IPPN) Press Conference Launch
IPPN launched as a coalition of NGOs that comes together to drive national reform for education.
- 1st April 2014
Book Launch: Sungai Mengalir Lesu by Pak Samad
The launch of a book by the late author Pak Samad. He recited a poem on co-existence, harmony and nature.
Year 2013
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